The video that you posted about the regenerative capabilities that the human body has is right down my alley. I am a biomedical engineering student so this kind of stuff is really interesting to me. What is amazing to me is that the magical powder that they use to regenerate tissues is nothing more than a natural component of everyone. You and I have "extra cellular matrix" surrounding much of our cells. This is simply connective tissue made of sugars and proteins. It is amazing to me that something so simple can lead to such profound clinical implications.
I have often wondered what the limitations of the human body are. We do not currently have a complete understanding of the power of stem cells. In theory, these cells have the capability to become any part of any tissue found in the human body.
I'm sure many of you have seen the photos of the rat with the replacement ear growing on its back:

How will we set limitations on the use of such powerful entities. The moral implications that follow this topic are overwhelming.
1 comment:
I'm so glad!
I'm fascinated by this alley you've claimed.
It is amazing that something so simple can lead to such profound clinical implications
but I must say that I am delighted to learn that the magic powder (what a great opportunity to rewrite some fairy tales --they're rewritten all the time, given urban street talk and walk from the countries where the major languages are spoken, every possible skin tone, a range of social groups as character sources, lots of magic, thoug seldom magic like this);
I;m delighted that what sponsors this regeneration is connective tissue, that which joins, that which holds the beads together, the glue of interaction.
Limited Fork is elated.
The limits of the body --now I am impressed with how much deficit is tolerable, half a brain physically lost; not just loss of function, but loss of tissue, and a boy is still in school --almost total paralysis, the mind of Hawking as if inside something of parallel agility.
Science fiction merged humans and mechanical parts long before the practice
and more is to come, replacements for what ears out, use, frictions, only so may repetitions, and the shoe lace breaks, worn thin here interactions were heaviest, weakened by the repeated burden and stresses of memory fold, so rip, rip right along the path: cut here, break here.
The flexibility of the stem cell, reconfigurable nature of the stem cell is so provocative, so astonishing --to become any cell
--where of where are the myelin replacements? (I could sure use some)
Yes--hard to open the door of wonder and amazement about these capabilities without also opening the doors to ethical considerations
we benefit richly from information snd objects obtained unethically, including profits, diamonds --but unethical practices in medical research are more conspicuous --violation of the body of more consequence than certain forms of social and economic exploitation
where ideas of limits seem unknown
--and so many would benefit from what stem cells promise to deliver, but best not to open a can of worms, for ethical considerations
--and do the worms want this, to ba canned, and once canned, for the cans to be opened?
As we study interactions and the consequences of interactions,
as we see the wealth of rat ears (less adorned with ears than some adorn themselves with diamonds); a we see this and think about what is being valued and what is not, the three legged, who headed frogs responding to to environmental changes we've given them to a degree,a warmer and wamrmer degree,
decisions will be made, none of which are ideal within present knowledge,
but as we travel, grow, grow, and learn, discoveries may occur that alleviate some of this challenge to do a thing that's right in more than one circumstance on more than one scale for more than one moment in more in more than one location.
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